Are you a Knowledge Scientist?

Do you...

  1. lead conversations with your organization’s stakeholders to understand their pain points?
  2. debate with stakeholders about the definition of a “customer”?
  3. draw whiteboard sketches that define the schemas and models for your team's data?
  4. meet people who come to you asking about data?
  5. find yourself in the middle of conversations between data producers and consumers?
  6. maintain a data catalog?
  7. negotiate with data owners?
  8. wrangle and clean data?
  9. source data for machine learning and applications?
  10. feel responsible for your team's data?

The Essay

First page of the essay
Fletcher, George, Paul Groth, and Juan Sequeda. “Knowledge Scientists: Unlocking the Data-Driven Organization.” ArXiv:2004.07917 [Cs], April 16, 2020.

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